How to Make Money Writing Poetry Online
Making money online by writing poetry is difficult but very much achievable. Like any money making system on the internet, it takes dedicated hard work and invariably a lot of time. If anyone tells you otherwise and offers you a get rich quick scheme, they are delving into the world of fantasy and trying to make money out of your misfortune.
The internet is global and so the chances of people reading your poetry is in fact higher than if you published them in a book or local newspaper. That is after all, the main ambition of a lot of poets, above anything else; to have their poems read and enjoyed by as many people possible.
With this in mind, I will now describe a way for you to show off your poetry to a wide audience whilst at the same time enjoying a steady stream of residual income from putting your poetry online.
I want to clearly say now, that unless you are already a very well known figure in the poetry world or you are one of the masters of customer list-building and have thousands of people to email in one go, you will not make enough to give up your day job. This is purely a way to make a little extra money which will build up over the weeks and months and make a nice contribution to your overall earnings.
The internet is global and so the chances of people reading your poetry is in fact higher than if you published them in a book or local newspaper. That is after all, the main ambition of a lot of poets, above anything else; to have their poems read and enjoyed by as many people possible.
With this in mind, I will now describe a way for you to show off your poetry to a wide audience whilst at the same time enjoying a steady stream of residual income from putting your poetry online.
I want to clearly say now, that unless you are already a very well known figure in the poetry world or you are one of the masters of customer list-building and have thousands of people to email in one go, you will not make enough to give up your day job. This is purely a way to make a little extra money which will build up over the weeks and months and make a nice contribution to your overall earnings.
Steps 1 - 3
2. Now take these different categories and form them into a document which can later be made into an e-book. Decide on the title and write an introduction relating to the poems and the specific category. Finalise the basic structure, contents page and order in which the poems appear.
3. Before you do anything else with them, set up either a small website, blog or a lead generation page. Come up with a suitable web address and title which is keyword rich in relation to poetry, literature and possibly the different subjects your general poetry is about. It is vital that you have the word 'poems' or 'poetry' somewhere in the web address. This will help people find your page or site more than it would if you had something ubiquitous like
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Steps 4 - 7
5. Create your first e-book and then place it on your page. Set a price which is at first on the low side. You can always raise the price when visitor numbers increase. There are many sources of free software and tools you can use to make a digital book. Now find a way of automatically delivering the e-book to the customer when they make a purchase of your poems. In the past, when selling e-books, I used a system a good system called SmartDD.
6. Now sign up to a mailing-list auto responder such as Aweber.
7. In advance, create a series of emails. I'd recommend half a dozen. These are what you will send to those people who either buy an e-book or sign up to your mailing list. Place them each a week apart so the person is not overwhelmed and rushes to un-subscribe. A fan base is one of the most important ... actually no ... it IS the most important part of this system. The more people you can catch and who willingly add themselves to your mailing list, the better and the more money you will make from your poetry.
In these emails, add another poem and also more information about yourself, what poetry means to you and also any general points of interest from the world of poetry. Also let your readers know more emails will follow so they look forward to the next. Make them as interesting as possible.
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Steps 8 - 10
9. When all is complete, you are ready to tell the world about your poems and poetry e-books. Join forums, directories, networking sites and tell as many people as you possibly can. Study some SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) techniques which will help you get picked up by the search engines.
10. As time goes by and the number of people signing up to your list and buying your e-books increases, you can create further categories of your poems and write new ones. When each e-book is completed, you can then notify your mailing list all in one go about the new collection of wonderful poems and they are more than likely to buy them. Plus tell their friends.
Again, the more people you can catch on your list, the more people will buy your future e-books. This is a long term strategy and one that will not make you rich overnight. However, if you love writing poetry and get excited by the prospect of a great many people reading your work, AND also want some extra money from your poems, this is a perfect marriage of the two.
If you do it right and persevere, your earnings will increase steadily month by month, year by year. You really have nothing to loose.
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What are your thoughts on this matter?
- Reply
jeremiahjpwalton Oct 4, 2011 @ 6:49 pm | delete
- Great read! I'm checking out smartDD now!
- Reply
grahampmortimer Jul 28, 2011 @ 11:24 pm | delete
- Great lens. Some great information to help you earn money on the internet. Poetry is just one way to make money writing, short stories, e-books, articles are also good ways to make money online!
- Reply
efriedman Jun 28, 2011 @ 9:02 pm | delete
- Well written lens with helpful advice on how to make money online with poetry. Thank you for putting in specific steps.
- Reply
Peter squire Apr 25, 2011 @ 3:19 am | delete
- Thanks so much, a very helpful lens:)
- Reply
nag Aug 3, 2010 @ 8:46 am | delete
- not satisfied
- Reply
jcolt7 Apr 17, 2010 @ 9:44 pm | delete
- This is very good advice for anyone trying to make money online.
Searches related to poem
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